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Ruth Barron Elementary School

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Library Policies and Procedures

Library Policies and Procedures
Library Hours
Monday – Friday 7:15-3:30     
Library Services
Our Library offers the following services for students, parents and teachers:
Literacy Skills Lessons integrated with grade level curriculum
Parent Checkout
Professional Resources
Online Databases
Technology Trainings
Accelerated Reader
Internet Access
Circulation Policy

Students will be required to turn in a signed copy of the Pflugerville ISD Elementary Library Policy form before they are able to check out books.  A copy of the policy can be found here:


Patron Type

Number of books allowed

Check-out period

K - 1st grade *


2 weeks

2nd – 5th


2 weeks



3 weeks

*First grade students will be allowed to check out two books when they begin participating in the Accelerated Reader Program.

If a book becomes overdue, the student is blocked from borrowing any more books until the misplaced book is renewed, returned, or paid for. We do not charge late fees and refunds are given if a student pays for a lost book and then finds and returns the book.

Library Lessons and Scheduling
The Library is on an Alternating Week schedule.  ON weeks-the Librarian teaches PK-5 classes on a fixed schedule.  OFF weeks-the library is on a flexible schedule.  Pegasus students enjoy a 15 minute storytime every week.
Students come to the library independently (limit 4 per class at a time) or as a class whenever there is not a scheduled class lesson going on.  Whole classes or small groups may come to the library in support of academic needs as mutually determined by the Teacher and the Librarian.  Parents are also welcome to check out books to read with their children.